21 - 24 November 2024

The FIC AUTOR (Author's International Film Festival) is interested in unique and artistic films that exceed the limits of traditional storytelling. We look for Feature and Short Films that reflect the director's personal creative vision, and a style that is distinct enough to shine through the collective process.
We don't care if your films have recognized stars or unknown names; we are against the politics and bureaucracy that floods the film industry. We want to be recognized as an objective festival with a tough competition and the most creative global cinema in our theaters!
The 8th edition of the FIC AUTOR will take place from November 21 to 24, 2024 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. We will present the very best films from around the world! FIC AUTOR will strive to be one of the most important cultural events in the city. We aspire to become an international spotlight for new directors!
The official selection will be screened at the CINEFORO, and the 14 WINNERS will be honored with their prize at the end of their screening. The Cineforo is the most prestigious cinema theater in the city and is one of the biggest with 440 seats.
In addition to the screenings, every year we make a trip to Tequila, about an hour outside of Guadalajara, where the filmmakers enjoy a few of the town's tequila distillery tours, which includes more than a few tastings...
- Fictional Feature Films +60min.
- Documentary Feature Films +60min.
- Experimental Feature Films +60min.
- First-Time Filmmaker.
- Low Budget Feature Films Under 50K USD.
- Mexican Feature Films.
- Fictional Short Films -30mins.
- Documentary Short Films.
- Experimental Short Films
- Animated Short Films.
- Mexican Short Films.
- Cineminuto 1 minute Short Films.
- Medium Length Films. 30 - 60 mins.

Winner will receive the Author's FICAT Trophy made of silver and semi-precious stones. This tropphy could be won by any director of any type of feature film (Fictional, documentary, experimental, low budget, mexican, foreign, animated.)

Best Fictional Feature Film.
Winner will receive the Author's FICAT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Documentary Feature Film.
Winner will receive the Author's DOCAT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Experimental Feature Film.
Winner will receive the Author's EXPERIMENCAT Ring made of 100% silver.Best First-Time Filmmaker.
Winner will receive the Author's VIRGINICAT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Low Budget Feature Film Under 50K USD.
Winner will receive the Author's ALLEY-CAT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Feature Film made in México.
Winner will receive the Author's MEXICAT Ring made of 100% silver.

Best Fictional Short Film.
Winner will receive the Author's FICAT SHORT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Documentary Short Film.
Winner will receive the Author's DOCAT SHORT Ring made of 100% silver..Best Experimental Short Film.
Winner will receive the Author's EXPERIMENCAT SHORT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Animated Short Film.
Winner will receive the Author's ANICAT SHORT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Short Film made in México.
Winner will receive the Author's MEXICAT SHORT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Cineminuto – a 1-minute Short Film.
Winner will receive the Author's CLOCKAT Ring made of 100% silver.Best Medium Length Film.
Winner will receive the Author's HALF-CAT Ring made of 100% silver.